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Deidre Ann Tyrell

Deidre Ann Tyrell

2Hello, my name is Deidre-Ann and I’m an artist. I’m originally from Jamaica but I moved to the US to start anew. I did art in high school and college; now I aim to do art as a full-time career.

My disciplines include Illustrating and Drawing, as well as Painting Ceramics, Sculpting, Digital Arts, Animation, and Graphic Design. I went to the University of South Florida where I graduated with a BA in Studio Arts in 2023.

Art has always been my passion and I am so thankful to Miss Tabois for giving me a platform to share my creations. If you want to see more of my work or reach out to me personally, please visit my portfolio: Home | illustrator ( In the future I hope to gain more creative freedom and artistic skills to produce art that not only resonates with me but with a set diverse audience. Thank you.

Dream Sequence.
Digital Adobe Photoshop

2023 Perseids Meteor Shower

This illustration depicts the first time I saw the Perseids Meteor Shower. I looked out my front door and I saw a meteoroid that looked as if it was coming at me. It was huge and to this day I haven't seen one bigger!

The Bridge.
Digital Adobe Photoshop 2023

Shadow and Self

This illustration is based on the beliefs of Carl Jung. Shadow self vs Persona coming together to create one whole. He believed we all had two personalities and that an imbalance between the two could create internal warfare.

In this illustration I have 'killed' the person I once was, to become a better, stronger version of myself. Similar themes incorporated include: ying and yang, light and dark, sun and moon, good and evil.

Field of Dreams.
Digital Adobe Photoshop 2023

A Moment in Time

This illustration depicts my grandma and my grandfather getting married on television. In the larger version of this illustration, my grandma and I lay in bed and watch as she gets married. My grandma loves sappy K-Dramas so I decided to put her wedding as a K-Drama on tv.

Digital Adobe Photoshop 2023

Ignorance is Plot Amor

The man depicted is in grave danger, but because he does not know this, he is simultaneously protected from danger. The world is ending around him but he is so happy(he got his degree/diploma in his hands) that he is oblivious to what’s going on around him.

The term 'plot armor' is used to define when a fictional character is preserved from harm due to their necessity for the plot to proceed. Thus, 'Ignorance is Plot Armor' means that ignorance can sometimes serve as a shield preserving your life. Sometimes to live happily one mustn’t be too aware. A similar phrase would be 'Ignorance is Bliss'.